reflections on wisdom, health, activism and the state of the planet

Have you ever wondered about our species name Homo sapiens? Have you ever thought it strange that we call ourselves “the wise animal” and yet spend very little time talking about what it means to be wise?

In this time of planetary upheaval and stress, we spend a lot of time talking about technical solutions, policy changes and politics, but rarely do we engage in deeper conversations about our relationships with each other and with the natural world.

This is where we’ll have those conversations. We’ll ask powerful questions about how we got here and what it means for creating a functional future.


What does wisdom mean in a time of ecological crisis?

Why is it that we rarely talk about wisdom?

What does wisdom mean for activism and our sense of meaning in the world?

How can we encourage wisdom in ourselves and our culture?


Join us as explore every aspect of wisdom, especially as it relates to our planetary and ecological crisis. You’ll hear a wide variety of voices, all aspiring to do something a little more sapient. Now more than ever, we need to ask the question, “What would wisdom do?”


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