
“ True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves and the world around us.”

― Socrates

“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
Isaac Asimov

"The gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we're doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again."

The Iliad, written in about 760 B.C.  

“Service (activism) is the rent we pay for the privilege of living on Earth.”
Shirley Chisholm

“Of all that is written I love only what a man has written with his blood.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche

“For peace to reign on Earth humans must evolve into new beings who have learned to see the whole first.”
Immanuel Kant

“Of all the dangers we face, from climate chaos to nuclear war, none is so great as the deadening of our response.”
Joanna Macy

“Every fraction of a degree matters.”
― Greta Thunberg

“The most pervasive fallacy of philosophic thinking is the neglect of context.”
John Dewey (1859-1952)

“It is not necessary to hope in order to persevere.
William the Silent

“The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.”
William James

“This (ecological emergency) does not require a policy response. It requires something much bigger: the reappraisal of an entire worldview.”
― George Monbiot

“Our best will not be enough, but we will do it anyway.”
Dave Pollard

“Wisdom is the reward for surviving our own stupidity.” 

― Brian Rathbone, Regent

Frank Forencich